Top Green Tech Innovations Fighting Climate Change

Top Green Tech Innovations Fighting Climate Change

Top Green Tech Innovations Fighting Climate Change

The biggest challenge for our century is the climate change which has extreme effects on economies, organizations and the ecosystems. Climate change not only requires attention on an organization level but should start at an individual level. Changing our habits, our patterns and most importantly our mindset is essential to fight for the Climate Change and the danger is poses on us and our future generations. 

There are many tech innovations which have become the advocate for fighting the climate change by using technology and sustainable practices. Let’s talk about them now 

Electric Vehicles 

One of the most popular tech for fighting the climate change is the emergence of EV’s .

EV’s are cars that use electricity entirely instead of your fossil fuels and this helps in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Electric vehicles are starting to look more and more like competitive alternatives to conventional cars because of developments in battery technology and infrastructure for charging them.

Green Buildings

Nowadays people are focusing on promoting sustainability through construction of green buildings. Green building essentially means a clean building, using natural materials. It uses little energy and renewable ones at that, is easy to maintain and available at a reasonable cost. A green building can be constructed with sustainable materials (recycled, recyclable, or derived from renewable resources), have a low pollution interior, and have water-efficient landscape design that makes use of native plants that flourish without extra watering.

Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen is produced using renewable energy sources, making it a sustainable, clean fuel with no pollution index that may be used as a raw material as well as an energy vector.
In addition to its promise as an energy storage technology, its ability to replace fossil fuels in industries and uses that have proven more challenging to decarbonise up to this point makes it a valuable weapon in the fight against climate change.

Vertical Farming

The term "vertical farming" refers to the practice of cultivating on vertical surfaces as opposed to more conventional horizontal ones. Farmers may produce significantly more food on the same area of land—or even less—by employing vertically stacked layers. The goal of vertical farming is to produce food in a sustainable manner. It reduces spills, discourages the use of chemicals, stops deforestation, and encourages resource recycling. Furthermore, there are extremely little emissions from land transportation and farming machinery. There have been some setbacks in this industry recently as many tech startups working on this technology are facing issues with scalability, however, those are also working on finding smarter solutions to their business issues. 

Smart Grids

Smart grids are the new cutting edge technology to detect and react to changes in an electricity network. They continuously modify their supply to meet demand, maintain their own operations, and provide power to everything. They have a two way flow of electricity and data that helps them detect and react to changes in energy usage. 

In the battle against climate change, these green tech innovations offer us ways to make our communities resilient and preserve our natural resources. However, governments, corporations, and individuals must work together to ensure full utilisation of such innovations. We can pave the way for a more sustainable future by utilising smart grids, green building technologies, EV’s and green hydrogen.

Top Green Tech Innovations Fighting Climate Change

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